If you are a broadband company looking for information about pole contacts please email jupermits@utilityengineering.com
Engineering - Selecting the Proper Service Specifications
The above specifications are provided for the use of those familiar with the installation of electrical services. Those not properly trained are encouraged to pay for a trained professional - saving a few dollars is not worth losing your life!
The Specifications for Overhead Service include a drawing of a meter loop with a riser stack through the roof, a meter loop on a pole owned by the customer, and a construction meter loop which is for temporary use only for construction power. Note that on the pole-mounted meter loop that NCEC Specifications do not allow the installation of customer meter loops on Cooperative poles.
The Specifications for Underground Service include four drawings. The first drawing is for meter loop installations on the side of a site-built home or similar structure - note that this installation is not approved on mobile homes. The second drawing is for meter loop installations on a short pole, which would be appropriate for service to mobile homes, wells or similar installations.
The third Underground Service drawing is intended for installation within three foot of a Cooperative transformer. The cooperative will inspect the installation, and once approved the service will be connected with no construction fees (normal account fees will still apply). This service is most commonly used for service to boat docks and barns.
The fourth Underground Service drawing is intended for construction power for a period of 120 days or less. The installation of a temporary meter pole to service a boat dock or other permanent installation (even though a house may be built soon) will not be approved.
Our goal is for the installation of your meter loop to go as smoothly as possible. Please feel free to call us at 903-874-7411 with any questions about your installation.